PROGGA specializes in socioeconomic and cultural research using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It has a deep conviction in the participatory approach to research and development. The team of researchers available at PROGGA includes economists, sociologists, agronomists, anthropologists, livelihood experts, urban planners and statisticians among others. The organization is in a position to undertake research and knowledge-based activities in the diverse fields of the development sector such as needs assessment, baseline survey, monitoring and evaluation, capacity assessment, plain documentation and any type of socio-economic study. In addition, PROGGA has a pool of experts drawn from different organizations, universities and institutes who regularly take part in its study/research projects. It has also a very good connection with numbers of part time field researchers for conducting large scale researches within a reasonably short period.
Apart from conducting research, PROGGA also ensures effective dissemination of the findings and contributes at the policy level.
Research Projects/Assignments
Sponsor |
Conducted under a contract with WHO Bangladesh. |
Project Timeline |
October 2023 - October 2024 |
Description |
The project is being carried out under a contract with WHO Bangladesh to develop an implementation framework highlighting the overall strategy and directions for establishing Health-Promoting Schools (HPS) in Bangladesh in consultation with the government counterparts and WHO. The project also aims at developing detailed guidelines on how this needs to be implemented, to support policymakers and stakeholders in establishing HPS in Bangladesh. The project started in October 2023 and is expected to be completed by October 2024. |
Sponsor |
Conducted under a contract with WHO Bangladesh. |
Project Timeline |
October 2022 - March 2023 |
Description |
The study was conducted under a contract with WHO Bangladesh with an aim to understand the situation regarding the implementation of HPS and provide technical support to the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). More specifically, the assignment assessed the overall situation of the public schools of Bangladesh, mapped the ongoing HPS initiatives, identified gaps and challenges to implement HPS against the eight global standards and thirteen implementation guidance. The study started in October 2022 and ended in March 2023. |
Sponsor |
Conducted under a contract with the WHO HQ. |
Project Timeline |
October 2022 - December 2022 |
Description |
The workshop was conducted under a contract with WHO HQ. Under the assignment, a rapid assessment report prepared by reviewing existing literature on implementation of smoke-free (SF) and Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship (TAPS) related provisions of tobacco control Act, conducting key informant interviews (KIIs) at local-level and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) at central-level using structured questionnaire and checklist respectively. A workshop was organized in December 2022 with 58 relevant stakeholders including GoB Officials (i.e. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Home, Ministry of Railway, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Finance etc.), WHO officials, NGO activists, Academicians and Media to disseminate the rapid assessment findings and gather recommendations to strengthen SF and TAPS implementation in line with WHO FCTC, MPOWER package and regional best practices. A 3-months assignment started in October 2022 and ended in December 2022. |
Sponsor |
Conducted under a contract with the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK). |
Project Timeline |
December 2020 - in March 2021 |
Description |
This study aims at investigating how the protests of the bidi workers are being staged across the country years after years; how spontaneous these movements are; and what the real purpose of the movement is. The study conducted under a contract with the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK), USA. The research was conducted from December 2020 to March 2021. Study findings were released in March 2022. A blog article was published in BMJ Tobacco Control based on the findings of the study in May 2022

Sponsor |
Conducted under a contract with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC) based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), USA. |
Project Timeline |
September 2021 - January 2022. |
Description |
The study was conducted under a contract with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC) based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), USA. This study aims to assess the proportion of eligible venues (i.e. Residential Hotels, Restaurants and Trains) that have a Designated Smoking Area (DSA) and assess the compliance of identified DSAs with the existing Tobacco Control Law (TCL) requirements in Bangladesh. A 5-months study started in September 2021 and ended in January 2022. |
Sponsor |
Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP), in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA under the Seed Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control 2020. |
Project Timeline |
March 2021 |
Description |
The study conducted with the objective to unmask tobacco industry interferences to undermine graphic health warning implementation in Bangladesh. The study supported by Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA under the Seed Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control 2020. The results of the study presented in the Tobacco Control Research Findings Dissemination Conference held in March 2021. A research article was published in BMJ Tobacco Control based on the findings of the study in April 2023. |
Sponsor |
Self-funded |
Project Timeline |
2019 |
Description |
The research aimed at investigating child labour situation in bidi factories operating in the northern part of Bangladesh. The research was conducted by the own funding of PROGGA. A journal article was published based on the findings of the research in 2019. |
Sponsor |
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) |
Project Timeline |
1st round in April 2016 & 2nd round in November 2016 |
Description |
Aimed at assisting the National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in implementing the tobacco control law across the country by proving evidences of GHW implementation status.
PROGGA, along with six other anti-tobacco organizations, conducted the field investigation. PROGGA also provided technical assistance including data analysis and report preparation. The research was conducted simultaneously in eight divisional cities.
A journal article was published in BMJ Tobacco Control, based on the findings of the study in April 2019. The detail can be downloaded from here.
Sponsor |
Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC) |
Project Timeline |
2018 - Ongoing |
Description |
The study has conducted annually by PROGGA with support from Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC) since 2018 to assess how the Government of Bangladesh is implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Article 5.3 guidelines based on the publicly available incidents during the particular year. The information of the Bangladesh report was included in the Global Tobacco Industry Interference Index. The study report officially released in Bangladesh in presence of policymakers and media personnel. The detail can be downloaded from here.
Sponsor |
Self-funded |
Project Timeline |
2016 |
Description |
The study was conducted to document tobacco company's tactics to expand tobacco farming in the country. Findings are available here |
Sponsor |
Shibasaki Laboratory, the University of Tokyo. |
Project Timeline |
October 2013 and ended in February 05, 2015 |
Description |
The survey conducted under a contract with The University of Tokyo, Japan for carrying out household and community surveys to gather information on general demographic attributes, mobile phone ownership and calling behavior of the mobile phone users in Dhaka. Besides, the assignment also hands over the duty to roll up supplementary data to profile mobile phone users, which support to do sampling and to link between behavioral patterns and calling behavior extracted from Call Detail Record (CDR) and GPS data. The survey was supported by Shibasaki Laboratory, The University of Tokyo which commenced in October 2013 and ended in February 28, 2014.
As a follow-up to SPACE 2013, PROGGA carried out a Panel Survey among SPACE 2013 households to collect additional and updated information from all members. The survey was carried out over the period from September 30, 2014 to February 5, 2015.
Sponsor |
RDRS Bangladesh |
Project Timeline |
February 2013. |
Description |
The overall purpose of the assignment is to evaluate the Core Comprehensive Programme of RDRS Bangladesh in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact and coherence. |
Sponsor |
Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB) |
Project Timeline |
February 2012. |
Description |
This baseline survey was completed in February 2012. Under the assignment PROGGA surveyed a total of 6,971 participating households of Naogaon, Barguna, Bagerhat and Satkhira districts through administering a 9 pages pre-structured questionnaire. After entering, checking, cleaning and analyzing field data by using SPSS, a baseline data set and a report were produced for CCDB. |
Sponsor |
World Health Organization (WHO) |
Project Timeline |
April 2011 |
Description |
The study funded by World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at sketching illicit tobacco trade in Bangladesh with analysis of strategies and implications. PROGGA, knowledge for progress, and Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) jointly completed the study in April 2011. |
Sponsor |
Green Hill |
Project Timeline |
July 2011 |
Description |
The project was the outcome of a contract between Green Hill and PROGGA in July 2011. As per the contract, PROGGA will conduct a Baseline Survey in order to sketch the baseline situation of the project PROGGATI (Promoting Good Governance among Tribal Inhabitants in Bangladesh). |
Sponsor |
Children Development Program (CDP) |
Project Timeline |
March 2011 |
Description |
The project aimed at conducting a Baseline Survey and a feasibility study for CDP and was conducted under a contract between CDP and PROGGA in March 2011. |
Sponsor |
Project Timeline |
May 2011 |
Description |
This project was conducted under a TOR between PROGGA and KOINONIA in May 2011. According to the TOR, PROGGA provided technical supports to conduct an impact study of a community-based cyclone shelter, crop diversification and DMP training of KOINONIA in Borguna district. |
Sponsor |
Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) |
Project Timeline |
May 2011 |
Description |
Under a contract between PROGGA and DPHE in May 2011, PROGGA provided technical supports to DPHE to prepare a factsheet on Urban Water Supply and Sanitation. |
Sponsor |
International Development Enterprise Bangladesh (IDE-B) |
Project Timeline |
August 2011 |
Description |
The project was conducted under a MoU between PROGGA and International Development Enterprise Bangladesh (IDE-B) in June 2011. Under the MoU, PROGGA conducted the survey across the country. The survey was finished in August 2011. |
Sponsor |
Project Timeline |
2010 |
Description |
This baseline survey was conducted in 2010 under a long-term MoU between KOINONIA and PROGGA. Under the MoU, PROGGA provided different technical supports (e.g. research, evaluation, trainings) for the Food Security Program of KOINONIA in Gopalganj district. |
Sponsor |
Shusilon |
Project Timeline |
2010 |
Description |
This evaluation was conducted in 2010 for Shusilon. The Amader Adhikar project was implemented over 3 years in Satkhira district as a follow-up of a 5-year project on livelihood security. The project is commissioned by Concern Worldwide. PROGGA conducted the final evaluation of the project and presented the final report to the client. |
Sponsor |
RDRS Bangladesh |
Project Timeline |
2008 |
Description |
This study was conducted in 2008 for RDRS and tried to document the emergence and development of community-based organizations called Federations in the northwest Bangladesh facilitated by RDRS. The study was commissioned by RDRS. |
Sponsor |
SHIREE, the extreme poverty challenge fund of the Department for International Development (DFID) of UK Government. |
Project Timeline |
2010 |
Description |
This study was carried out in 2010 for SHIREE, the extreme poverty challenge fund of DFID, and tried to explore the relationship between poverty reduction and hygiene and sanitation practices. |